Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Betting on you, the only sure bet.

As I look around me, I see a sea of uncertainty. The economy, the housing market, the unemployment rate, and the banking industry continue to affect the RV industry. As stressful as life can be right now, the only way I find myself dealing with it is to face it head on. Stress motivates me to action and challenges me to a fight. As I understand it, I share this quality with the most successful CEOs in the business world today. This is the quality, which I can bet on each and every time to allow me to claim victory over the day’s challenges.

I begin my day reflecting on my past and being grateful for the air that I breathe and my staff, who despite the challenges, faces yet another day filled with challenges and uncertainty.

After arriving at my office, the first objective is coffee with my staff to boost their moral so we can deal with today’s challenges and turn problems into solutions. As is our daily routine, we begin with a staff meeting. Using a wipe off board, we post the problems on one side and immediately the solution on the other. As the day goes on, we remove each problem as it is tackled, with a blank board signifying a job well done.

Working closely with your team in these challenging times should be handled in the same way as a marriage, where at the end of the day no matter how good or bad it was you take 5 minuets together and turn the day into a comedy of some sort. It’s like kissing your spouse goodnight after a fight always end on a good note.

A good leader reminds herself everyday that there is light at the end of the tunnel even thou you might need a telescope to see it. As challenging as life can be right now, remember one thing; to always bet on yourself. If you do just that, you will be able to lead your team out of the perfect storm and back to safety.

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